Firefox Userchrome



This userchrome file for Firefox (1) hides the ‘Email image…’ and ‘Set as desktop background…’ items from the context menu when right-clicking on images, and (2) hides the extension icons in the right-click menu.

The file

menuitem[image] > .menu-iconic-left, menu[image] > .menu-iconic-left { opacity: 0%; }
#context-sendimage, #context-setDesktopBackground { display: none; }


This guide was created for Firefox 100 on Fedora 36, but should work for other platforms as well.

  1. Point Firefox to about:support. Click the Open Directory button in the ‘Profile Directory’ field.
  2. In the directory that opens, create a directory with the name chrome and a file called userChrome.css within it.
  3. In userChrome.css paste the above text and save the file.
  4. Finally, point Firefox to about:config, click Accept the Risk and Continue, type ‘legacyUser’ into the search field, and toggle the setting toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets to true.
  5. Restart Firefox.