Authors Associated with Hard SF
Hard SF : Suggested Reading : Authors Associated with Hard SF
Below is a list of authors who are sometimes referred to as having written hard SF or to be liked by people who like hard SF. Some of the authors may not have written true hard SF, and some wrote additional books in different genres. So please take this list as only a starting point in trying to locate books that will appeal to your tastes and interests.
For more information on some of these authors, see’s pages with links to other websites related to particular hard SF authors. To see those pages, click on the following links: Author names starting with the letters A - L [†] ... M - Z [†].
- Brian W. Aldiss
- Poul Anderson
- Catherine Asaro
- Isaac Asimov
- J. G. Ballard
- Iain M. Banks
- John Barnes
- William Barton
- Stephen Baxter
- Barrington J. Bayley
- Greg Bear
- Gregory Benford
- Alfred Bester
- James Blish
- Ben Bova
- Miles J. Breuer
- David Brin
- John Brunner
- Michael A. Burstein
- Michael Capobianco
- Orson Scott Card
- Jeffrey A. Carver
- Ted Chiang
- Arthur C. Clarke
- Hal Clement
- John Cramer
- Philip K. Dick
- Paul DiFilippo
- Greg Egan
- Michael Flynn
- Robert Forward
- Kathleen Ann Goonan
- Stephen Gould
- Joe Haldeman
- Peter F. Hamilton
- Robert A. Heinlein
- James P. Hogan
- Fred Hoyle
- Alexander Jablokov
- Gwyneth Jones
- James Patrick Kelly
- Nancy Kress
- Michael Kube-McDowell
- Geoffrey A. Landis
- David Langford
- Ursula K. Le Guin
- Murray Leinster
- Stanislaw Lem
- Ken MacLeod
- Paul J. McAuley
- Wil McCarthy
- Jack McDevitt
- Ian McDonald
- Thomas R. McDonough
- Laura J. Mixon
- Donald Moffitt
- Richard Morgan
- Chris Moriarty
- Linda Nagata
- Larry Niven
- G. David Nordley
- Alan E. Nourse
- Eric S. Nylund
- Frederik Pohl
- Jerry Pournelle
- Paul Preuss
- Robert Reed
- Alastair Reynolds
- Kim Stanley Robinson
- Robert J. Sawyer
- Bob Shaw
- Charles Sheffield
- Robert Silverberg
- Clifford D. Simak
- Dan Simmons
- Joan Slonczewski
- Brian Stableford
- Allen Steele
- Neal Stephenson
- Bruce Sterling
- John E. Stith
- Charles Stross
- Boris and Arkady Strugatsky
- Michael Swanwick
- John Varley
- Jules Verne
- Joan D. Vinge
- Vernor Vinge
- Ian Watson
- Peter Watts
- David Weber
- Stanley Weinbaum
- H. G. Wells
- Jack Williamson
- Gene Wolfe
- George Zebrowski
- Sarah Zettel
- David Zindell