Hard SF : Aliens : Narrowing Down The Possibilities
When trying to imagine the possibilities for extraterrestrial life, it's hard to say much unless one gets less general. On the most general level we're talking about life forms that evolved on another world. What we might refer to as "extraterrestrial plants and animals" (we can ignore microbes for now). We can't even be sure these will clearly fall into one and only one of the categories "plant" or "animal".
For the most part whatever I say refers to life as we understand it. It can't be said there absolutely can't be a kind of life that is beyond our current definitions and speculation. However, we may never identify such things as "life". I will not delve into that.
For the purposes people are usually most interested in, we could divide extraterrestrial "plants and animals" into several categories:
Generally, the further down this list we go, the more we know about the beings. The more we know about them, the more we can make reasonable assumptions about additional facts.
It might be possible for life to begin on a planet and have its reproduction occur in a way that there were almost no mutations or other change in the characteristics. However, by virtue of not changing, the simple, early-life forms would remain simple, early-life forms. On a planet where complex, intelligent beings have evolved, we can assume their reproduction occurs in a way that allows a significant amount of mutation / change. Therefore, the members of an intelligent species probably will have individuals with diverse characteristics, at least until they develop technology capable of genetically altering themselves.
We can speculate on the possible implications of this:
An intelligent species will have evolved from a series of pre-intelligent species. Those species will be adapted to certain niches and fall into a combination of different categories. The niches and categories of the recent predecessor species will define what options are possible or likely as evolution branches off the intelligent species. Once the intelligent species develops some it can break out of some of these categories, such as expanding from living in the tropics to living in temperate zones. Still, these backgrounds could influence the path the species takes.
Below are examples of different possible types within a list of categories. The ancestor species will have been some combination of types from the various categories. Not all combinations are realistic possibilities. It's beyond my current ambitions to try to figure the feasibility and implications of all the possible combinations. But well-founded speculation about aliens should consider what their background was and how that would be likely to shape their culture and psychology.
In the case of tool users, we can draw probable conclusions such as:
For those above the Paleolithic stage we might assume:
We tend to be most interested in those extraterrestrials that are technological. Is it reasonable to assume others will aspire to and work towards that goal?
Tool users, more or less by definition, don't want to live strictly in the wild. Chimps make limited use of tools, but live in the wild. Above a certain level of tool use, there is a dynamic that tools are for the purpose of taming nature. Nevertheless, there could be limits to when certain hurdles, such as agriculture for humans, is reached.
For humans, settling down to year-round agricultural communities was a major transition. Later the change to hierarchical societies was not taken by most peoples (prior to colonization) and tended to take place in certain kinds of geographic areas.
There is what may be a pattern in where civilizations began on Earth. Early civilizations tended to appear at lower latitudes (probably more often in areas with climatic or geographic challenges). This could be interpreted as meaning those locations which were tropical without challenges gave people enough of what they wanted with not enough pressures to get them to change their lifestyles to a different stage. It may mean early civilizations were needed to raise technology to a level that could support more extensive economies before civilization worked in the temperate climates of higher latitudes.
Later, civilizations moved their way into the temperate zones. It is not merely that the old civilizations colonized the higher latitudes or that new civilizations in those latitudes appeared side-by-side the old civilizations. The old civilizations "disappeared". I'm not sure how much this reflects the old civilizations truly ceasing to be, or to what extent they stagnated and no longer looked like civilizations compared to the newer ones. But the civilizations of Egypt, Babylon, Persia, India, etc. did not end by assimilating into Greek, Roman or European societies and losing their identity that way.
This may reflect a limited potential of the locations of early civilizations. The factors that make them challenging enough to motivate the people to change lifestyles may not be challenges well suited for modern civilizations. The temperate zones may offer a different kind of challenge that lends itself better to modern civilizations.
Whether or not this theory is true, there may be associations between climate, geography and such which will effect whether, when and how a species makes such social / economic transitions. Without knowing more about an extraterrestrial species, we can't be sure how their dietary, familial / community structures and other factors would make their transition stages the same as ours. It does seem unlikely they would have a smooth, gradual rise without transition hurdles.
Given a planet with a generally tropical climate or a species that developed and remained in a region with a tropical climate with plentiful food, there may not be motivation to transition from a hunter and/or gatherer stage. Perhaps hominids would not have if population growth, climate change, etc. have placed pressure on some groups of hominids to move out of the ancestral habitat. Those that found themselves in less generous surroundings could have been more motivated to broaden their use of tools. More developed species may be associated with climates and environments that place these kinds of pressures on them.
There would be a limit to the social, technological or economic level a species could reach without coordinated group activity. This could potentially be accomplished by instinct as in a hive or some form of coercion. Those two approaches may also put limits on the potential as well as have consequences in conflicts between groups. The most advantageous approach may be an inclination to cooperation and/or an ability to resolve conflicts.
It might be that a species with dual brains or some kinds of distributed brains would have to evolve a means of cooperation and compromise within each individual, and that would contribute towards similar abilities between individuals. We may be able to get a better understanding of the validity of this theory by studying the cooperation between the two hemispheres of the human brain and any influence this has on interpersonal behavior. Similarly, scientists studying the human mind sometimes view our minds as a number of interacting components. However, our brain hemispheres, the mind components and their interactions are probably not well designed for this purpose. Other species might have different structures that favor cooperation more strongly.